On one side, the IPL got over, the world cup T20 started. Those are the good times for cricketers, broadcasters, advertisers, sponsors, administrators and many around them.
When Kerry Packer did the same, all the Cricket boards were against it. He added spice and glamor, introduced the color from none to change from the Bland British Gentleman's Sport to a colorful, entertaining spectacle. When the IMG chief spoke about Cricket and India, he spoke almost like Archmedes “Give me a lever long enough, a fulcrum strong......... Mark H. McCormack, was the founder of IMG and the author of "What they don't teach you at Harvard Business School". every sports person will respect what Mark did to their careers, brought value to Talent.
In our playing filed, hiring is back, increased pages of appointment advertisements in newspapers; number of online advertisements published on job portals is an indication. There is buzz of activity in the talent acquisition of most companies. Now the talent acquisition teams also get to a challenge of acceptance and getting the offered in. Initially, the offer released, to acceptance and the joinees ratio may look decent. Once the timelines after the offers are extended, then the thought process runs all over again.
The Talent Acquisition Teams feel the pressure to meet the commitment to the business. The team does keep its options open, invariable, for business, the one not available is the most suitable, everyone else is a negotiated option. These are hard pressed situations for talent acquisition teams when the economy gets better.
The best devised methods and processes have worked to produce better results than before. The engagement models, methods, routines procedures have been altered to reduce the attraction from elsewhere. Penalties, Rewards to channel partners, rewards and joining bonuses to candidates have been worked out and are working out.
Also fresh talent get into the market, graduates of engineering, science, business are all out there brimming with confidence with their newly acquired degrees, eager to show their resumes to a talent acquisition professional. Spot them, for you only know where are the diamonds.
May is a good time career decisions are made, the changes in job locations happen in May. While the spouse has made a decision in March/April to relocate, the joining time is now. Noticeably, there is also influx of new talent that gets added to the city’s workforce on account of these migrations. Houses get rented, flats get tenants, schools get students, parents get some holidays. There is more business activity, this goes till a good mid December, slowly pushing the numbers, sales people working out quarterly numbers. The best time is now—MAY, be.
These are changing and challenging times, in recruitment and talent acquisition terms, I would call it “HIRE THE FIRE, FIRE THE HIRED”